Wednesday, July 7, 2010

2 weeks till 2

Actually I've been thinking about the big day coming up for a while now and it's evident that I no longer have two babies. The clothes are bigger, the shoes are bigger, the words they learn each day baffle me. We have even been trading in some of the baby toys like the baby basketball hoop above for the larger big boy models. It's got me reminiscing and realizing that in a mere two weeks I will have real two year olds. Two year olds that are teenager wannabes-wanting independence, questioning everything and running in the opposite direction of where I want them to go. Am I ready? Who knows. But in the meantime, here are some of our recent antics:
Brother driving brother on the trike:
Watching our first outdoor concert at the zoo:
Gulping lattes(whole milk, steamed, low foam, lukewarm, tall) to get through early mornings
and hanging out on the beach. These next few shots are from a recent trip to Vancouver island:
Petting Goats at the farm:
More beach:

I think this carries through to the next post. We're also enjoying the fabulous summer weather that just decided to show up. Not a meaty post here, but just wanted you to know we're still around:)

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